Legal News

Not Sure If Tennessee Or The Roberts Court Are Worse Off Right Now — See Also

Getting Bribed By A Political Campaign-Backing Billionaire For Decades Should Be A Reason To Get Impeached: Will that happen though? Totally Not Being Bribed Clarence Thomas Chose Not To Recuse Himself From A Bribery Case: I must admit, the recusal would

logo.png  By IG  Apr 9, 2023

Kirkland’s Go-To Law School

This law school is a favorite! The post Kirkland’s Go-To Law School appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Apr 9, 2023

Lawyers Might Resist Settling Some Cases For Ulterior Reasons

In my experience, if a lawyer has easy billing on a matter, they might not be too inclined to settle a matter. The post Lawyers Might Resist Settling Some Cases For Ulterior Reasons appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Apr 8, 2023

Judge That Received Millions In Unreported Gifts Over Two Decades Had The Gall To Sit On A Bribery Case

Maybe all those years of him not speaking on the court was just another form of him not reporting. The post Judge That Received Millions In Unreported Gifts Over Two Decades Had The Gall To Sit On A Bribery Case appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Apr 8, 2023