Without an H-1B visa, the associates have to transition out of the firm. The post Goodwin Associates Who Lost The Visa Lottery Lost Their Job appeared first on Above the Law.
Failure to acknowledge the risk with juggling multiple roles can result in more than just losing a job. It can mean losing a bar license. The post Ethical Issues With Serving As More Than Legal Advisor appeared first on Above the Law.
You can train crows to bring presents. Did Crow train Justice Thomas with his? The post Paragon Of Virtue Clarence Thomas Has Been Given Millions Of Dollars In Value Off The Record And It Totally Hasn’t Impacted His Judging. Not One Bit. Nope. appea
What happens when you can't say why you're leaving your current firm? The post Advice For Layoff Victims On Being Transparent During Their New Job Searches appeared first on Above the Law.