Legal News

Keggy Got Some Complaints At Columbia And Now We All Have To Hear About It — See Also

New Threat Just Dropped: See what's passing for a "Campus Free Speech Issue" this time. Former Biglaw Partner Learns The Death And Taxes Thing The Hard Way: You think the IRS was gonna let $3.8m go by? Supreme Court Justices Now Have To Report When They G

logo.png  By IG  Mar 30, 2023

The morning read for Wednesday, March 29

Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Wednesday morning read: Garland looks to hand off security duty for Supreme Court justices (Josh Gerstein, Politico) Sup

logo.png  By IG  Mar 30, 2023

Court holds statute of limitations under Quiet Title Act is not a jurisdictional bar

Tuesday’s decision in Wilkins v. United States broke no new ground, as it followed a steady line of cases applying a rule under which time limits in federal statutes do not create jurisdictional bars unless the statute makes that intent clear. This partic

logo.png  By IG  Mar 30, 2023

Court concerned about scope of patent covering millions of antibodies

During oral argument in Amgen Inc. v. Sanofi on Monday, the justices explored how to write an opinion on patent enablement when the parties agree on almost everything about the legal standard.  “Enablement” is the requirement that a patent must enabl

logo.png  By IG  Mar 30, 2023