Legal News

Check On Your In-House Friends, They’re Not Okay

Deputy General Counsel are pretty universally stressed out. The post Check On Your In-House Friends, They’re Not Okay appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Feb 25, 2023

Watch Where You’re Pointing That Thing! — See Also

Hey ABA, Have You Considered Adding A Gun Module To Lawyer Ethics? Clement Vallandigham would be seething right now. Sometimes Being The Best Is Being The Most Available: Talk about right place right time. Data Says In-House Is In-Trouble: Here’s a deep d

logo.png  By IG  Feb 25, 2023

Morning Docket: 02.24.23

* Everyone fears that young, lockdown lawyers aren't well-trained. And they probably aren't... but instead of addressing that, firms will just complain about hybrid offices some more. [] * Congratulations to Sidney Powell, who dodged an ethics comp

logo.png  By IG  Feb 25, 2023

Your ‘Simple Solution’ To Section 230 Is Bad: Julia Angwin Edition

That's not how any of this works. The post Your ‘Simple Solution’ To Section 230 Is Bad: Julia Angwin Edition appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Feb 25, 2023