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A Big Thanks To Our Advertisers

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logo.png  By IG  Jan 27, 2023

Chatbots, Bonuses, And Restorative Justice — See Also

Guess Who’s Coming To Lecture: These accusations paint a visiting professor as bad company. I Know Things Are Adversarial, But Come On Now: AG wants Madison Garden to stop being big meanies to opposing counsel. It Is Official! ChatGPT Will Not Cali The Ex

logo.png  By IG  Jan 27, 2023

The morning read for Thursday, Jan. 26

Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. To suggest a piece for us to consider, email us at [email protected]. Here’s the Thursday morning read: Two Supreme Court Case

logo.png  By IG  Jan 27, 2023

No, Ruth Bader Ginsburg did not dissent in Obergefell — and other things ChatGPT gets wrong about the Supreme Court

When ChatGPT, a cutting-edge artificial-intelligence chatbot, launched in November, it captured the attention of the legal community. Some lawyers worried that the program — which can generate eerily human-sounding text in response to complex written prom

logo.png  By IG  Jan 27, 2023