Legal News

Top 30 Biglaw Firm Wishes Associates A Happy Hump Day By Announcing Bonuses — Plus Extra Cash For High Billers

A nice bonus treat for associates this morning. The post Top 30 Biglaw Firm Wishes Associates A Happy Hump Day By Announcing Bonuses — Plus Extra Cash For High Billers appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Dec 15, 2022

Dan Loeb Thinks Bath & Body Works’ Board Could Use Some Serious Exfoliation

And then a good slathering of new directors, preferably of his choosing. The post Dan Loeb Thinks Bath & Body Works’ Board Could Use Some Serious Exfoliation appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Dec 15, 2022

The Respect For Marriage Act Is Remarkable, But Not Enough For LGBTQ+ Parents

RFMA will now toss out DOMA, and require the opposite -- recognition of valid marriages (regardless of the sex of the parties) by other states and the federal government. The post The Respect For Marriage Act Is Remarkable, But Not Enough For LGBTQ+ Paren

logo.png  By IG  Dec 15, 2022

The Multifaceted Uses Of Matter Management Software [Sponsored]

If you’re looking to get a handle on your caseload and spending, the latest Non-Eventcast is for you. The post The Multifaceted Uses Of Matter Management Software appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Dec 15, 2022