Legal News

Biglaw Firms Leaking Profits Due To Write-Offs Are Pushing Lawyers To Bill Even More

Bill, baby, bill! Bill, baby, bill! The post Biglaw Firms Leaking Profits Due To Write-Offs Are Pushing Lawyers To Bill Even More appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Dec 6, 2022

That Special Time Of Year Where We All Remember How To Spell ‘Bockius’

Third name on the letterhead blues... The post That Special Time Of Year Where We All Remember How To Spell ‘Bockius’ appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Dec 6, 2022

When Researching Case Law, How Do You Know When It’s Safe To Stop?

A primer on how lawyers can overcome 'analysis paralysis.' The post When Researching Case Law, How Do You Know When It’s Safe To Stop? appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Dec 6, 2022

Panel Orders UnitedHealthcare To Pay $10.8M For Allegedly Underpaying Physicians

The lawsuit is one of nine cases throughout the country that TeamHealth has brought against United for alleged underpayments. The other eight cases are still ongoing. The post Panel Orders UnitedHealthcare To Pay $10.8M For Allegedly Underpaying Physicia

logo.png  By IG  Dec 6, 2022