Legal News

In habeas case, the liberal justices try to untangle a complex statute

On Tuesday, the court heard argument in Jones v. Hendrix, a case that exemplifies the Gordian knot that is the federal habeas corpus statute. As I discussed in my case preview, the underlying problem the case presents is weighty: The petitioner, Marcus De

logo.png  By IG  Nov 4, 2022

The morning read for Thursday, Nov. 3

Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. To suggest a piece for us to consider, email us at [email protected]. Here’s the Thursday morning read: Trump lawyers saw Just

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Justices mull money-laundering implications of failure to report foreign bank accounts

After several interruptions from protesters supporting abortion rights, the court settled into a relatively pedestrian argument Wednesday in Bittner v. United States. The case is slight, involving provisions of the Bank Secrecy Act that obligate citizens

logo.png  By IG  Nov 4, 2022

Ask A Legal Recruiter [Sponsored]

How to let go of working-parent guilt, overcome submission anxiety, and decide between making a lateral move with more money or sticking it out until you’re a senior attorney. The post Ask A Legal Recruiter appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Nov 3, 2022