We love working with you. The post Thanks To Our Incredible Advertisers appeared first on Above the Law.
No, Bail Reform Will Not Turn Society To The Purge: Stop already. Leaving Biglaw For Trump? That may not be a great idea. Best Biglaw Firm: According to summer associates. Donald Trump Shocked, Shocked! I Say, That Special Master Isn't Doing Exactly What
* NYPD considering using encryption to stop people from listening in on their radio calls. Somehow, this feels worse than covering body cams. [Gizmodo] * Move over avocado toast! Several law students just gave a whole new list of ammo to the people gripin
From the disposable human beings department. The post 1,000 Deaths In Custody Went Unreported Last Year Because US Justice System Doesn’t Care About The People It Jails appeared first on Above the Law.