Legal News

In Austin sign spat, court declines to strike down billboard regulation under First Amendment

The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that a city ordinance that treats signs differently depending on whether they have a connection to the site where they are located is content-neutral – that is, it does not regulate speech based on content – and therefo

logo.png  By IG  Apr 22, 2022

Family seeking to recover Nazi-stolen art notches small victory — but still might not get the painting back

The Supreme Court held on Thursday that in lawsuits brought against foreign sovereigns or their instrumentalities under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, courts must apply the same choice-of-law doctrines – to determine what substantive law governs th

logo.png  By IG  Apr 22, 2022

Court rules unanimously that tax deadline is subject to equitable tolling

On Thursday, the Supreme Court decided Boechler v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue in a unanimous opinion authored by Justice Amy Coney Barrett. As expected, the court held that equitable tolling can apply to a statutory time limit in tax cases know

logo.png  By IG  Apr 22, 2022

Court allows Texas to execute man who spent 31 years on death row

The Supreme Court on Thursday turned down a request from a 78-year-old Texas inmate to block his execution. Justice Stephen Breyer, who has previously questioned the constitutionality of the death penalty and criticized lengthy delays in how it is carried

logo.png  By IG  Apr 22, 2022