Legal News

Court allows Department of Defense to reassign unvaccinated Navy SEALs

The Supreme Court on Friday gave the Pentagon the go-ahead to consider whether some members of the elite Navy SEALs are vaccinated against COVID-19 when making operational decisions. With three justices noting dissents, the court temporarily blocked an or

logo.png  By IG  Mar 26, 2022

Are airline cargo loaders engaged in interstate commerce? The answer has high stakes for forced arbitration.

Like many cases involving the Federal Arbitration Act, Southwest Airlines Co. v. Saxon began with an employment dispute: Southwest employee Latrice Saxon believed she was owed overtime pay. On behalf of herself and her fellow ramp-agent supervisors, Saxon

logo.png  By IG  Mar 26, 2022

The federal ban on “bump stocks” and the requirements of appellate service

This week we highlight cert petitions that ask the Supreme Court to consider, among other things, whether the federal government’s rule that rifles with “bump stocks” are illegal machineguns comports with the statutory definition of “machinegun” and deser

logo.png  By IG  Mar 26, 2022