Legal News

Across Biglaw Firms, The Future Really Is Female

Goodbye white shoe, hello white heel? The post Across Biglaw Firms, The Future Really Is Female appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Jan 11, 2024

Trump’s Effort To Pack The Supreme Court Hasn’t Panned Out Quite The Way He Hoped It Would

That's not a lot of winning. The post Trump’s Effort To Pack The Supreme Court Hasn’t Panned Out Quite The Way He Hoped It Would appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Jan 11, 2024

Trump Failed To Deliver On Promised Economic Growth Higher Than 3% So Biden Did It For Him

When Trump is losing by his own standard, it's worth pointing out. The post Trump Failed To Deliver On Promised Economic Growth Higher Than 3% So Biden Did It For Him appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Jan 11, 2024

Court split over California man’s takings clause dispute

Despite a suggestion by Justice Neil Gorsuch that there was “radical agreement” in a California man’s challenge to the constitutionality of the “traffic impact mitigation” fee that he was required to pay when building his home, the justices appeared divid

logo.png  By IG  Jan 11, 2024