Legal News

Litigation Prediction Platform Pre/Dicta Expands Into New Motion Types And Case Timelines

Notably, for these new motion types, Pre/Dicta is not predicting their outcomes, as it does with motions to dismiss. Rather, it is modeling outcomes for specific judges, cases and courts by using data profiling. The post Litigation Prediction Platform Pre

logo.png  By IG  Nov 22, 2023

Wishing Law School Cost Less? Attending Law School Completely Online Could Be The Answer

It'll probably be like 3 years of Barbri online courses. The post Wishing Law School Cost Less? Attending Law School Completely Online Could Be The Answer appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Nov 22, 2023

New York Proposes Regulations For Stronger Hospital Cybersecurity

New York Governor Kathy Hochul released a proposed set of cybersecurity regulations that require hospitals to establish new policies and procedures to protect themselves from ever-intensifying cyber threats. The state also put aside $500 million in fundin

logo.png  By IG  Nov 22, 2023

Trump Appeals Carroll Verdict Because It Doesn’t Count On A Plane. Or If She Fights You Off. Or …

This f'n guy ... The post Trump Appeals Carroll Verdict Because It Doesn’t Count On A Plane. Or If She Fights You Off. Or … appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Nov 22, 2023