Legal News

Mommy Guilt: The Pressure To Feel Guilty

The greatest guilt I carry is that I genuinely love my job, and I also love my family. I don't believe these affections are mutually exclusive. The post Mommy Guilt: The Pressure To Feel Guilty appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Oct 13, 2023

There Might Be Hope For Workplace Discrimination Suits In Texas After All

Change deep in the heart of Texas. The post There Might Be Hope For Workplace Discrimination Suits In Texas After All appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Oct 13, 2023

Get Ready For A Biglaw Exodus

A lot of associates are ready to leave their firms. The post Get Ready For A Biglaw Exodus appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Oct 13, 2023

Court to hear argument in racial gerrymandering challenge to S.C. district

The Supreme Court will hear oral argument on Wednesday in a dispute over the congressional map that South Carolina’s Republican-controlled legislature enacted in the wake of the 2020 census. A federal court threw out the map earlier this year, holding tha

logo.png  By IG  Oct 13, 2023