Legal News

The Single Greatest Detail From The Supreme Court Financial Disclosures

That's... an outstanding gift. The post The Single Greatest Detail From The Supreme Court Financial Disclosures appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  Jun 8, 2024

The Recusal Request Is Coming From Inside The House — See Also

Even One Of Alito's Former Clerks Flips On Him: Let's see if he listens to reason. Clarence Isn't The Only One Taking Expense Paid Trips: To be fair, she did clerk for him. Putting The Big In BigLaw: Norton Rose Fulbright is on the hunt for more attorneys

logo.png  By IG  Jun 8, 2024

Justices confirm insurer’s rights to be heard about asbestos bankruptcy plan

Another in the line of remarkably trivial disputes the justices have chosen to resolve under the Bankrupty Code, Truck Insurance Exchange v. Kaiser Gypsum Co. solved a technical question about when an entity is a “party in interest” under the statute, whi

logo.png  By IG  Jun 8, 2024

The morning read for Friday, June 7

Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Friday morning read: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accepted gifts worth millions of dollars over 20 years, analy

logo.png  By IG  Jun 8, 2024