Legal News

Justices take up major Second Amendment dispute

The Supreme Court will hear oral argument next fall in a major gun-rights case challenging the constitutionality of a federal ban on the possession of guns by individuals who are subject to domestic violence restraining orders. The Biden administration ha

logo.png  By IG  Jul 7, 2023

Supreme Court rules website designer can decline to create same-sex wedding websites

The court handed a major victory to business owners who oppose same-sex marriage for religious reasons on Friday. A six-justice majority agreed that Colorado cannot enforce a state anti-discrimination law against a Christian website designer who does not

logo.png  By IG  Jul 7, 2023

Court agrees to hear Title VII employer discrimination case

The Supreme Court agreed to decide what protections Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides to employees who contend they were the victim of a discriminatory transfer. The justices announced on Friday that they had granted review in Muldrow v.

logo.png  By IG  Jul 7, 2023

Last day of the term

As the court issued its last decisions of the term in recent days, I was reminded of something I read in the court’s employee newsletter back in late winter. It was a story about new health and wellness programs being offered in the court’s gym,... The po

logo.png  By IG  Jul 7, 2023