Legal News

The Joy Of Removing Obstacles

As an in-house lawyer, helping business leaders identify and remove obstacles that get in the way of business growth can be a source to tremendous satisfaction. The post The Joy Of Removing Obstacles appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  May 31, 2023

Devin Nunes Steers Trump Media Company Into Dumpster Fire Defamation Suits

What's the definition of insanity again? The post Devin Nunes Steers Trump Media Company Into Dumpster Fire Defamation Suits appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  May 31, 2023

The Practice Area Where Biglaw Partner Billing Rates Climbed Highest

Wait till you see their hourly rates.... The post The Practice Area Where Biglaw Partner Billing Rates Climbed Highest appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  May 31, 2023

Trump Vows To End Birthright Citizenship, Upping Stakes In Crazy-Off With DeSantis

You gotta get up pretty early in the morning…. The post Trump Vows To End Birthright Citizenship, Upping Stakes In Crazy-Off With DeSantis appeared first on Above the Law.

logo.png  By IG  May 31, 2023