‘Getting A Second Shot At Life’: Top In-House Litigator Rejoices After Retiring Early


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Ed. note: Welcome to our daily feature, Quote of the Day.

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I hesitate to say that because it sounds like I hated what I did—I didn’t, I would do it all again—but I’m excited to be able to do this. I’ll tell you what, the adjustment is really fast.

— Kerri Ruttenberg, 47, in comments given to Bloomberg Law, on the new freedom she’s enjoying in the wake of her early retirement after spending four years running Walmart’s litigation group. Ruttenberg plans to travel now that she’s left the practice of law, but says she’s open to taking up criminal defense and domestic violence pro bono work. She told Bloomberg that thanks to quitting her job at an early age, she feels like she’s “getting a second shot at life.”

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Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter and Threads or connect with her on LinkedIn.

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Early Retirement, In-House Counsel, Quote of the Day

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Originally posted on: https://abovethelaw.com/2023/09/getting-a-second-shot-at-life-top-in-house-litigator-rejoices-after-retiring-early/