Introducing Forum: A New Column Dedicated to Discussion and Debate

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As we head into another autumn, challenges facing the profession of architecture remain evergreen: those around sustainability and climate change, technology and innovation, ethics and culture, labor and inclusion. Recognizing that facing such issues means cultivating an ongoing conversation with a diverse array of voices, RECORD is excited to announce the launch of Forum, a new section dedicated to critical writing on all aspects of architecture.

Forum will run periodically both in print and online, and will feature pieces with a distinct point of view on topics ranging from individual buildings to professional issues, to current controversies, and everything in between. Our hope is to present original ideas, thoughtful analysis, and forceful arguments that propel larger conversations about the future of the profession.

Send pitches and submissions for future editions of Forum to [email protected].

SELECT AN ARTICLE BELOW TO READ THE FIRST EDITION OF FORUM Brookly Tower Gothic Shadow: On SHoP’s Brooklyn Supertall Brookly Tower AI Renderings Learning AI: Are Architecture Schools Ready?

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